ATTN: Fleet Marine Personnel Director
Good Crewing is a crewing company established for providing foreign Principals with full range of good quality manning services. The company consists of experienced professionals who gained their knowledge and practical skills in this direction of business while working in Crewing Division of international shipping company.
We are ready to propose more than 3000 applicants from our data base (all Russians from Eastern part of Russia) as potential candidates for Your Good Company owned/managed vessels. The number includes Officers and Ratings with Bulk, Tanker, Off-shore, Dry, Gas and other specific experience which may be required.
Our strongest sides are:
- Motivation. We are interested in hard work for productive long term cooperation.
- Availability. It means that we are contactable and able to respond 24/7/365 as expected from each good Agent;
- Awareness. It means that each person in charge of particular Vessel/Fleet is trying to be aware of all crew matters, including short & long term crew change planning;
- Reliability. We do understand our responsibilities toward the Client and assure that all possible legal ways will be used in order to provide the Customer with reliable crewing service in all times.
We have been duly incorporated and licensed in accordance with Russian legislation and ready to provide your good Company with crewing service as main and only one activity of our Company.
Please use this link to see the List of our Customers.
We will be more than happy to answer all the questions about Good Crewing which could be useful for your consideration.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards
Roman Prikhodko
Good Crewing Ltd.
Tel: +7 4236 620-240
Mob: +7 914 795 4682
Skype: roman_prikhodko